Monday, October 5, 2009


Number 4 is done...2 to go before we start the next phase. 2/3 of the way done.

This one really wasn't too bad. I did throw up for the first time. Not much, but enough. But, the pain wasn't as bad. My theory? A reaction with the antibiotics. Every other treatment I've been on antibiotics. This was my first without. And it wasn't too bad. I took maybe 2 of the good pills, but that beat the 2 every 4 to 6 hours last time.

I've been a little more tired this time. Thursday I don't know how I made it through the day. By the end of the day, I realized why. The shot I get after treatment boosts white cell growth to replace the cells destroyed by chemo and prevent infection. Well, this is what your body does naturally when you HAVE an infection. It's what causes fever. By 7 PM I had a fever of 100.6. I usually run a little the 96 degree range. So I felt like crap. I was freezing to the touch, but burninig up on the inside. Supposed to call the doctor @ 100.5 - to determine if I need to start taking the antibiotics that I have on hand. Or if I should be headed to the ER. Because infections can kill a chemo patient. I knew it was just the shot, but I called anyway. My doc wasn't on call. The doc on call never called back. The service kept calling me to see if he had called...finally, my fever started coming down so I told them to forget it. But the next day I did call my doc and let them know.