Tuesday, March 17, 2009


March 2 - Mammogram

March 5 - Call from OB telling me the results were 'highly suggestive' and I needed to schedule a biopsy. They arrange it for me.

March 6 - Biopsy. On the way home called Mike. Was told he had enough to worry about.

March 9 - Results. Cancer in the right breast - at least 2 quadrants. Fuck. Only treatment? Mastectomy. Well, you can have them both. Told Ashley, Rhonda, Libby and Susan. They are awesome. No other words will do.

March 10 - Went back to doctor that handled the biopsy. He will be my general surgeon. Took Mom and Mike. It is in the ducts and outside of them. Fuck. Met with plastic surgeon's assistant. Watched a very bad '80's style video with an old woman talking to a 'doctor' about her concerns. Assistant scheduled surgery for April 3. Mike told me he didn't want to be a widdower. Really? I could give a shit if you are alone. I don't want to die. I want to raise my son. At this point? Without you would be preferable.

Before I went to the doc, I called my boss and told him. He told our team. And apparently half of the company. By the time I get home from the doc and go get a quick hair cut, I have a call from a woman I haven't worked with in YEARS. Sweet, but right now I'm in shock since I haven't even had the diagnosis for 24 hours.

Debated whether to tell Tony. Don't want to ruin my happy place. But, this will interfere with plans. Told Tony. Much more awesome than Mike. Concerned about ME. Again, I have awesome friends.

March 12 - Met plastic surgeon. I should have enough skin that it will look like I had a reduction. Have decided on implants for reconstuction, not the tram flap. Hell, if I'm getting new boobs, they are going to be perky and porno. Talked to my OB and his assistant. She used my plastic guy for her reduction and loved him. My OB used the general surgeon for a node biopsy and trusts him. Knowing this, I feel confident in my new doctors.

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